The Agenda
The Agenda podcast focuses on the pressing issues facing boards, board support, and leadership teams today. This season, we’re driving straight to the heart of corporate governance, addressing issues ranging from sustainability to cutting-edge technology.

Listen to the latest episodes
Dr. Charlotte Pamer-Wieser
Seeing eye to eye: The role of corporate secretaries
The evolving role and responsibilities of Corporate Secretaries and boards.
Prof Dr Sven Hayn
The top 5 topics of boards
The five most important topics on the agenda of boards
Dr Felix Horber
The importance of successful board governance
The strategic role of general secretaries in the organisation of board meetings
Björn Radde
Customer meetings in the metaverse
A conversation about digitalisation, the role of the manager and personal branding
Nina Schneider
Improving meeting culture
Strategies for optimising the corporate culture for more effective meetings
Wolfgang Metze
Leading companies successfully into the future
On customer-centricity, excellent meeting preparation, and trusting people
Cornelia Ritz Bossicard
The role of boards in Switzerland and Germany
A brief overview on boards' role and responsibilities, meetings, and technological innovations
Dr. Viktoria Kickinger
What makes a supervisory board effective?
The value of board training and of excellent board meetings
Ulrike Goose
Women in tech: Becoming inspirational leaders
A peer-to-peer perspective on women leaders in tech, diverse teams, and good meetings
Dr. Marcus Raitner
How to create an agile culture
Ways to embrace organisational change, and to connect people in the process of becoming agile
Prof. Dr. Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock
How to improve meetings in hybrid working?
The effects of hybrid work on employees and managers, and ways to improve meetings
Caroline Schmitt
How to lead teams towards successful outcomes
Empowering people by trusting them with responsibility, and supporting new models of work
Thomas Mickeleit
The future of communications: A new approach
On creating newsrooms as communications hubs, and the role of artificial intelligence
Prof. Joseph Allen and Karin Reed
How to run excellent (virtual) meetings
Make the most out of virtual meetings: Prof. Joseph Allen and Karin Reed share their expertise
Nicole Herzog
The importance of building trustful relationships
The components of running successful companies: trust and an environment that supports it
Alessandro Rimassa
Putting people at the centre of digitalisation
Doing digital transformation right: Bringing people and technology together for a better life
Miriam Mertens
Fostering a human centric leadership
Key leadership traits to attract talented people: empathy, authenticity, and personal values
Prof. Steven Rogelberg
What makes good meetings (and what does not)
On becoming a good steward of people's time, and getting more from meetings
Emmanuel Gobillot
Making people stronger and more capable
Expert advice: Why leaders should listen to understand before they talk so that people follow
Leanne Spencer
How to embed wellbeing in your organisation
Lifespan versus health span: Introducing well-being as a core competency in organisations
Jürgen Kornmann
The value of psychological safety
The need to shift perspective when understanding the challenges of others
Tobias Häckermann
Why meetings are central to building trust
Developing a strong culture and leading by example: Why meetings are central to building trust
Carsten Sudhoff
The courage to plunge into the unknown
Empowering leaders to be agents of change: The determination to start a new journey
Susanne Ruoff
Every leader needs a sparring partner
On how to gain trust and build a dream team: Why every leader needs a sparring partner
Prof. Dr. Rolf Watter
Better done than perfect
On expanding one’s horizons through experiences: Good leaders know that a job is better done than perfect
Christian Casal
How to encourage people to speak up
Managing expectations with honesty: How to create a safe environment that encourages people to speak up
Pascal Niquille
On getting people to follow you
On avoiding distractions and patiently explaining the obvious: Getting people to follow you
Severin Moser
What leaders can learn from athletes
On winning against the odds: The views of a former athlete and current CEO
Thomas Meyer
Life learnings for future leaders
On regaining strength after hardship: Life learnings for future leaders
Thomas Wellauer
On making people believe in you
How to adapt to a new industry and turn a company around
Monika Ribar
Authentic Leadership
On navigating through rough waters and leading profound culture change, in the most authentic manner