
Agile Leadership

The business opportunities of the future reside in agility. On this page, you can find the latest on agile leadership, business agility, and agile working practices.

Agile leadership

Agile Leadership enables leaders to inspire others and build a culture of self-organisation, whilst maintaining openness, inclusion, and democracy. It is organised around creating value for customers rather than a strict adherence to hierarchy, and promotes cross-functional collaboration and swift decision-making. Agile leadership builds on a strong and well-communicated vision, and requires leaders to embrace innovation  and foster continuous learning. 

Business Agility

Agile companies are quickly replacing the more rigid organisations of the past. These types of organisations are more capable of responding swiftly to the stream of ever-changing needs coming from global markets, and have a greater focus on creating value for customers. Business agility makes organisations more resilient, helping them secure their futures, by being adaptable, flexible and collaborative.

Benefits of agile leadership

The benefits of agile leadership are wide-reaching. They are proven to include operational efficiencies such as a reduction in costs and an increase in output quality. The benefits of agile leadership are deeper than that, however, and include drastic improvements to organisational culture. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, agile leadership reduces presenteeism, and sharpens the focus on results and value creation.

The future of work is agile

It’s no surprise that agile is the future of work in a VUCA world . Agile organisations are more adaptable to change, more resilient, and more innovative. Employees of agile companies are more empowered to take control of their work, and as a result they are more productive, innovative, and engaged. Agile organisations  are also more diverse and inclusive, a growing consideration as we welcome younger generations into the workforce.